Director: Ivan Pavletic
Writer: Ivan Pavletic
Stars: Igor Galo, Ivan Pavletic, Spencer Kane
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 23 August 2013 (USA)
Filming Locations: Jadran Film, Zagreb, Croatia
After General Flavius Aëtius' Last Victorious Campaign against Attila the Hun, at the Battle of Chalons in 451 A.D. Once again, Order and Safety is restored within the Roman Empire. However, with increasing political power and popularity of General Flavius Aëtius, known as "The True Savior of Rome", Flavius becomes a threat to Caesar and the Senate of Rome. This brings the corrupt Caesar Valeninian III to eventually murder Flavius Aëtius, the Last of the Old Generation of Roman Generals. From here on, Rome endures two decades of intense turmoil and corruption, leading the way to the final inevitable Demise of the Empire.
After 12 centuries of power, Rome finally reaches it's sunset, on the eve of September 4th, 476 A.D. The Eve of an Ancient Age, and Donning of the New Dark Ages. The last day of the Mighty Ancient Rome that once Ruled all the Known World, from the borders of Scotland, to the Deserts of Arabia. Flavius' son, Aetius Patrius Majorian, now a grown man, and a Commander of all the Roman Armies, gathers the Last of Roman Legionnaires, for One Final Battle of Rome against the invading Barbarians.
As the Last Roman Caesar Romulus Augustulus, helplessly sits on his throne in Rome, the Germanic Ostrogoths, under their Chieftain Odoacer, sack the City of Ravenna, the last stronghold North of Rome, thus leaving the path to Rome completely open for attacks. With the end now inevitable, General Aetius Patrius Majorian appeals to the Senate in order to evacuate the city. However, his attempt is arrogantly ignored, as possibility of Rome falling, seems practically inconceivable to the overly confident Senate. With a popular tradition of holding Barbarians in contempt, there is a misconception of false hope and safety for the "Eternal City of Rome". This takes away from the actual real danger of destruction that stands in the way of Evacuation of Rome. However the cunning and corrupt Senator Magnus, aware of danger, secures his safety and that of the Senate, by proposing negotiations with Odoacer, following the usual tradition of Senators swearing loyalty to whom ever wins and takes control. While, at the cost of their own safety, the Senate leaves the People of Rome completely at the Mercy of Barbarians, and the young Caesar Romulus as a Scapegoat FIgure for the Coup d' état.
With the Last Roman Stronghold of Ravenna destroyed, North of Rome is completely undefended, and the Ostrogoths finally do reach the Outskirts of Rome, ready to fulfill their centuries old dream of crushing the City once and for all. General Aetius Patrius Majorian is finally left with the Last of the Roman Patriots, including his Father's Loyal Centurions, to defend the City, Although forsaken by the Senate, and greatly outnumbered, young Aetius is surrounded with the Last of the Best, until the Very End. Thus One Last Stronghold remains to fulfill the Final Chapter, between Barbarians, and the Eternal City of Rome.