mardi 14 mai 2013

The Anonymous People (2013)

The Anonymous People (2013)

Director: Greg D. Williams
Writers: Aaron Cohen, Jeff Reilly
Stars: Kristen Johnston, Tara Conner, Laurie Dhue
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 1 July 2013 (USA)

Deeply entrenched social stigma and mass participation in widely successful anonymous 12-step groups have kept recovery voices silent and faces hidden for decades. The vacuum created by this silence has been filled by sensational mass media depictions of addiction that continue to perpetuate a lurid public fascination with the dysfunctional side of what is a preventable and treatable health condition. Just like women with breast cancer, or people with HIV/AIDS, a grass roots social justice movement is emerging. Courageous addiction recovery advocates have come out of the shadows and are organizing to end discrimination and move toward recovery-based solutions. The moving story of The Anonymous People is told through the faces and voices of the citizens, leaders, volunteers, corporate executives, and public figures who are laying it all on the line to save the lives of others just like them. This passionate new public recovery movement is fueling a changing conversation that aims to ...

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